[<<] Industrie Toulouse
It's been nice working on some old school Zope development - nothing but SQL Methods, Python Scripts, and Page Templates. Alright, it's not that old (the latter two are fairly recent technologies for Zope, but they make an excellent replacement for DTML Methods). It's been a nice contrast to the more speculative development I've been doing which has consisted of lots of writing lots of my own little components. That framework is starting to be useful, but taking a break away from it to do some real work is nice.

I'm doing this all armed with Adobe GoLive 6 for Page Template authoring, and RBrowser 3 coupled with Apple's TextEdit for Python Script and SQL Method editing, all via FTP. There are a few trips to the management interface to reorganize things or set extra properties, but not too many. It's jobs like this that make me love Zope.