[<<] Industrie Toulouse
From the same article cited in the previous post, this closing quote makes sense:

"Such purchase decisions should be made on the basis of objective criteria without a presumption that proprietary, hybrid or open-source software would be the best solution in every case stated," Grant Mydland, CompTIA's director of state government relations and grassroots programs, said in a statement Thursday.

I agree. Stating that everything software related purchased by the government must be open source sounds awfully protectionist, the antithesis of free-trade. Hmmm. Open Source advocates going after a measure that's the opposite of free-trade? I guess some freedoms too are more equal than others.

(Which, apparently they are. If Bloomberg has his way, I'll be free to drink to my hearts content and livers discontent, but I won't be free smoke to my lungs (nor lungs of neighbors, I suppose) discontent at the same time if I'm at a bar. Smoking and trying to outdrink Nicolas Cage's character in Leaving Las Vegas at Orchard and Tonic is part of the experience!)