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David Limbaugh writes today in support of fascism. I mean patriotism. I mean, really, fascism.

No, Alan [Colmes], protesting against America is not "very pro-American." Being pro-America is pro-American. Defending one's right to protest is celebrating America's freedoms. But the act of dissing America while exercising those freedoms is not pro-American. [Limbaugh, David, "Dissent does not Equal Patriotism", Town Hall, 15 Mar 2003, viewed 17 Mar 2003]
Oh that's just brilliant. "Being pro-America is pro-American". Whew! Glad we got that one cleared up! This country started as a form of dissent against a king and country whose laws and taxes we did not agree with. So, was that not pro-American? Our constitution, especially the bill of rights, afford the citizens the power to call their government into check if the citizens do not agree with the actions their government is taking. Unfortunately, the government is so encamped in its silly two party system to effectively deliver any true power to its citizens to enable change, and a bunch of spineless politicians more focused on keeping themselves in power than in truly voicing the concerns of their constituents.

"You have the right of free speech and protest, so long as you say what the government wants you to say." That's not the America we fight for. David Limbaugh also says:

And it's not patriotic for antiwar types to try to censor the unmistakably patriotic song of country star Darryl Worley about 9/11, "Have You Forgotten?"
But it is patriotic to ban the Dixie Chicks for voicing their dislike of the President and his current policies? "Yes, because he makes the trains run on time."

David does conclude his piece with the following:

By no means are all those opposed to war against Iraq being unreasonable. But those extreme leftist antiwar protestors are different. They have every right to belittle this nation as it prepares for war, but they shouldn't expect to be exalted for it.
No, they shouldn't be. But neither should be those who wage this war that many feel to be unjust. Just because Bush is leading us into war does not make him exempt from criticism and dislike among his own citizens.