Yes, it's been quiet lately. I'm buried deep in a project where I'm still (as always) wrestling with the SQL/Logic/Object gap. I've decided that:
- Using APE would require a significant application rewrite, which I don't have time for in the current schedule.
- Other tools, such as Modeling, are too immature or put too many SCM burdens on me in their dependencies that, again, I don't have time in the schedule for.
Sigh.. It's always a matter of scheduling. In the meantime, I have come up with
(sigh) an in-house solution that seems to be working, thus far. It primarily tries to cut down on the database access in the area that's the most mundane - inserts, updates, and deletes. And it also works to cut down on having to add new fields manually to an HTML page through form definitions (which reside on disk now) that are used to validate and prepare data that is to be sent to the RDBMS. It's nothing terribly fancy - it's a combination of some Zope 3 schema concepts with some patterns that Ape uses, in a way that doesn't require overhauling my perception of the application revision in question.
That said, I'm going to take a look at this Martin Fowler article about Domain Logic and SQL to see if it has anything extra to teach me. Which makes this post as much of a reminder of what to read when I hit the office as it is an update on what's been going on in the software architecture front.