[<<] Industrie Toulouse

Somewhere around Thursday, I got a nasty sore throat. I had hoped to avoid getting sick this year, and thought I was home free. Oh well. It gives me an excuse to stay in and catch up on my The Lord of the Rings DVD's in anticipation of Wednesday. Although I really want to go outside and play. It's a warm day (lower 50's), cloudy and windy, in advance of a storm.

And although I'm sick and shouldn't be smoking, I had to try an Eclipse inside the apartment. Eclipse cigarettes are funny things. Instead of burning the tobacco, the end of the cigarette remains heated and draws hot air through the tobacco. It's almost steam like. There's also very very little lingering odor (I never smoked inside my own apartment for dislike of the stench - although I love smoking in hotel rooms for love of the smell...). As for taste - it reminds me a lot of smoking pipe tobacco. Because there's far less burning going on, there's far less elements that inflame the lungs and cause other smoking problems. It's not completely free of all smoking related issues, but it's pretty damn good, in my opinion.