[<<] Industrie Toulouse

Last weekend, and through the weeks leading up to it, I suffered a spectacular crash of the mood variety. This past week, which has flown by, I've been finding my way out of it. I feel different. Deeply so. I don't know what it all portends - maybe this year will be as rich and active as initially envisioned. Maybe it's just chemicals correcting themselves.

One significant factor has been a return to visual arts, sped along by the Redbox CD process. Last night, I ran the 50 linoleum prints on the transparent paper that will be the top layer of the cover art. So each box, limited to 50 [obviously], has hand made elements to it. Plus, I've long wanted to do a real block print run, but have never done more than a handful in the past. Of course, most of my past experiments had gone wrong due to missing some critical steps (resulting, however, in some still interesting output).

It's been an interesting year, so far. And enough items happened on / near the year transition time that I can say that comfortably. A lot rougher than I expected, but the year I'm so nostalgic for started out the same way (but different).