[<<] Industrie Toulouse

While chasing links around and around this here world wide web, I landed in CNN's entertainment section. Mmmm. Bullet time! (Well, of sorts).

'Toy Story 3' in the works - Disney is apparently making moves to make Toy Story 3 without Pixar. Hm. That will put the nail in the coffin in that series about as quickly as it was put into the Batman series after Tim Burton and Michael Keaton left / were forced off. The upcoming "Batman Begins" should probably resurrect that franchise. The moral is: when the studio gets too eager to take over a project like this, things tend to turn out badly. And with how stale Disney's recent non-Pixar animated films have been, I don't expect Toy Story 3 to be a winner either. Pixar's got some magic that no one else really has.

So much for all that reality TV - Apparently broadcasters are finally starting to realize that forcing too much shitty reality TV down viewers throats is a turn-off. No shit! That said, I do enjoy watching the recaps of "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss." I don't think I could stomach a full show, but the recaps are great. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it's taken the networks (or audiences) this long to realize all of this crap is exactly that - crap.